About ME

Monday 2 November 2015

Time to create a life you worked all those hours for

I have been a top producing real estate agent for the past 9 years, selling on average approximately 55-65 homes and condos a year. It has been a rewarding career! A lot of learning about myself and others.  People either say, "wow, how awesome, you probably make your own schedule!" or "oh you must work all evenings and weekends."  I can tell you that it is a little bit of both and lots in between.  It has taken a lot of personal work on myself, creating healthy habits to maintain a schedule that runs from 9am-11pm, 24/7.  What I learned along the way is that if I don’t take care of myself then the work will not get done. Also what fun is doing the work if you are not having any fun?!

I am here to tell you with the right attitude, a phone calendar and a PLAN, it is possible to do anything in life while maintaining your career and keeping your life balanced. My plan is to share with you, woman to woman some of the things that have helped me keep it together and find my own way. I am not here to help you find my way instead I am here to help you find yours.


What does it mean to you? Do you want to be in the top 5 at your company, write a book, create a magnificent piece of art, have kids that want to be around you, or want to be around yourself? Success can be any of these things and it can change daily. It is a good idea to start with your own definition.

First things first!

Oh yes, what you probably never 
expected. You MUST take one day off a week. If you are unable to take a full day then take 3 hours to half a day. Plan to check your emails at the end of the day, have someone take your messages if you have to, tell your family your plan so that they can support you. A happy more relaxed version of you, will be beneficial to everyone.

What will I do you ask?

Make a list of all of the things you have wanted to do but haven’t had the time for, it could be as simple as a walk in the park, drawing, dancing, meditating, going to a museum. The key to whichever you choose is, that you must spend your day off alone, no tag alongs and no errands. This day or few hours is for you. It is a must to schedule this day at the beginning of the week and do not allow anything other than a complete emergency come between you and this weekly event that starts now! The time you spend on your own will reinspire and remind you of your new goals and give you the time to start creating a life that suits the person you have and are becoming.  Most importantly it will give you the time to strengthen your relationship with yourself.

Oh and ps. if you or anyone you know is in need of a Real Estate Agent I know someone who can help;)

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