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Tuesday 8 December 2015

Why are adults bullying at school and in the workplace when we tell our kids not to

Why is this still happening today? After all of the high school shootings and war.  What is it that makes us need to feel better than others, by talking behind their backs or giving them looks, and playing power games.  I have found the best way to deal in these types of situations is to ignore it, focus on the people who are positive and on what you can contribute.   We do not make ourselves better, stronger people by belittling others. In fact that makes us weak.
bullying,stop bullying, kids, bullying

We are role models for our kids, our brothers and sisters.  If we want to make this world a better place, then why is it okay for us to go out and do what we tell our kids not to do.  How about starting today instead of judging someone else because they look or talk different, look for something that can be learned from this person. We all have something we can teach each other.  There are wars going on all over the world, we don’t need to bring them into our homes or work places. No one deserves to be treated that way. If you need to put people down and talk behind their back then you probably should not be talking. 

Not only are you hurting that persons reputation but your judgement is hurting you. If people treat others this way then imagine how they feel inside. Shunning these people is not a good idea because then we are doing the very thing they are doing to others.

Showing them loving kindness and compassion will go a long way.  It does not matter what our religions or beliefs are we can all get along and help each other. We can stop the pain and suffering by starting to take charge of it in our own lives. It all starts with self love. If you love yourself then great, if you do not know what that means that does not mean you do not. It just means that you maybe do not know how you love yourself. We can learn to pay attention to how we treat others by starting with paying attention to how we treat ourselves. 

What types of stories are you repeating over and over again.  If they are negative then you will feel like you need to defend these so called deficiencies that you have named and what happens is, is we can bring down others for us to feel better about us.  You can say wait is this story true, do I actually believe it? There is a lot of pain behind all of us and if we can be strong enough to slowly start facing it, we can make real changes in ourselves and others.

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