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Sunday 10 January 2016

How to use Facebook to advertise

Traditional advertising can be so costly.  According to Pew Research Centre, “as of January 2014, 74% of Canadians were using social media.”  The decline of print advertising and the rise of social media channels is forcing business owners and the like to keep up with the growing trend of social media used for advertising. We need to catch our target markets attention and we only have 30 seconds to do that due to lower attention spans caused by social media.

Today more people than ever before are talking to their family and friends through these channels before making major purchases.  Why not make your life easier and use the multi media at your finger tips. The good news is, it is actually quite inexpensive to advertise online.  Pinterest, Instagram, U Tube are all free of charge.  Facebook charges very little in relation to the more dated ways of sending messages through television ads, monthly newsletters and newspapers.  

Another invaluable perk to using Facebook as one of your advertising tools is you can choose the demographics who receive your ads on their pages, making your advertising dollars go even further.  What you need first is a business page which you can link to your personal page. This business page has a section called Overview.  At the bottom of the page there is a link which says create ad. That link allows you to search out age groups, male or female, peoples interests that you want to target, education level, language, city, and many more!  Once you have chosen all of your criteria for who you want to receive your ads, you are then ready to go! You can pre pay your account and start reaching the right people.

There are countless ways to use the search tool on Facebook. Market research can also be very costly. Say you were planning to teach a Spanish cooking class to a group of singles and you were wanting to hire Spanish people who like to cook to come and present their favourite meal.  You can use this tool to see how many single people speak Spanish, are interested in cooking in a certain area and put together an ad that would be displayed on their pages only.   This is invaluable information when wanting to stretch our advertising dollars as far as we can and who doesn’t want to do that.

So what are you waiting for, get your social media plan in action. Do not let the initial discomfort of leaving the old methods behind. Your pocketbook will thank you and you will have much more time on your hands to spend doing the fun things in life. There are also Social Media planners to put these plans together and it is their job to manage all of your online media accounts. Results can be measured, which gives the peace of mind to know where those advertising dollars are going and what is working and not.  The trick is to stick with something long enough to see if it works! Consistency is key.  

Tuesday 8 December 2015

Why are adults bullying at school and in the workplace when we tell our kids not to

Why is this still happening today? After all of the high school shootings and war.  What is it that makes us need to feel better than others, by talking behind their backs or giving them looks, and playing power games.  I have found the best way to deal in these types of situations is to ignore it, focus on the people who are positive and on what you can contribute.   We do not make ourselves better, stronger people by belittling others. In fact that makes us weak.
bullying,stop bullying, kids, bullying

We are role models for our kids, our brothers and sisters.  If we want to make this world a better place, then why is it okay for us to go out and do what we tell our kids not to do.  How about starting today instead of judging someone else because they look or talk different, look for something that can be learned from this person. We all have something we can teach each other.  There are wars going on all over the world, we don’t need to bring them into our homes or work places. No one deserves to be treated that way. If you need to put people down and talk behind their back then you probably should not be talking. 

Not only are you hurting that persons reputation but your judgement is hurting you. If people treat others this way then imagine how they feel inside. Shunning these people is not a good idea because then we are doing the very thing they are doing to others.

Showing them loving kindness and compassion will go a long way.  It does not matter what our religions or beliefs are we can all get along and help each other. We can stop the pain and suffering by starting to take charge of it in our own lives. It all starts with self love. If you love yourself then great, if you do not know what that means that does not mean you do not. It just means that you maybe do not know how you love yourself. We can learn to pay attention to how we treat others by starting with paying attention to how we treat ourselves. 

What types of stories are you repeating over and over again.  If they are negative then you will feel like you need to defend these so called deficiencies that you have named and what happens is, is we can bring down others for us to feel better about us.  You can say wait is this story true, do I actually believe it? There is a lot of pain behind all of us and if we can be strong enough to slowly start facing it, we can make real changes in ourselves and others.

Sunday 6 December 2015

Being in business for yourself can be costly: Another reason to use social media for promotion

how to use social media, benefits to social media, promoting on internet
Social media, as we all know you can see what your old high school friends have been up to, keep in touch with family and friends that have moved away, etc. Why not let your friends and family know what business you are in, so that they can support you. There are different levels to how hot a lead is. If you are going to target a group of people right away, which you should, try starting with this primary audience. It is definitely going to be warmer than people you do not know.

how to use social media, benefits to social media, promoting on internet
You should know your value and what you have to offer. If you do not there are many great business and personal growth courses you can take to get inspired, including C3 Training, Strategic Coaching and many more.  There is Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Pinterest. All great communication tools to use when sending your message and at no cost! If you are going to start using these means to promote your product or service keep in mind when you make other personal posts on your page. If you are self employed remember you are a representation of your service. So save the group party pics for your private files on your computer.  The more you do this type of advertising the more you will get your name out to the public in hopes that they will share your posts and use your services or recommend them.  

how to use social media, benefits to social media, promoting on internet
Very important, if people are promoting you, you should do your best to promote them or at least like what they post from time to time. Unless it seriously conflicts with your values and what you yourself are selling.  The media world we live in only takes a second to send a quick thank you note, or to share something someone has posted.  Remember the law of reciprocity.

Be sure to add everyone you know to your lists of friends and followers, its a good idea to keep your friend lists private if you can, especially if you have competitors on your list. You can post links to articles that relate to your field, offer free valuable advice to show you care and to be helpful. All of these little things can be done to make an impact on your potential clients and building awareness around what you are offering.

Having professional social media pages could be of help down the road if you decide to move into another profession.  A lot of professionals that are hiring, will check applicant’s pages before making a decision.  As well as your own current clients, be prepared that they will be reading your posts as well.

If you keep your posts, clear, positive and informative, you will be doing a great job.